The Bog Truck
This series is being developed from images captured from an old truck located in a vast property developed for cranberry bogs. Look closely: the broken peeling paint creates abstracted and surreal images. These paintings were originally titled “In Flight,” because over and over the swaths of old paint took the form of feathers. But we return to the source of the truck instead to celebrate the surprising beauty of the old and forgotten, and how it can be reimagined in a completely new way. This truck is now in flight, with the wings of flying things spanning across red and blue skies and over roads and ocean waves to its new unfathomable freedom.
~The Bog Truck, photograph, Jan 2023
Return To Flight
Acrylic and Copper Leaf on Wood Panel
18” X 24”
Phoenix Wave
Acrylic and Copper Leaf on Wood Panel
24” X 36”
The Butterfly
Acrylic and Copper Leaf on Wood Panel
24” X 36”